healing to
the next level

Advanced Regenerative Therapies

Hilltop Bio is the leading developer of cutting edge regenerative therapies for animals.

Our goal is to help you maximize clinical results while saving you both time and money by delivering these 3 Key Benefits:

Joint Health    •    Soft Tissue Repair    •    Wound Care    •    Ophthalmology

Seeing Is Believing

Whether it’s a wound case like the one pictured here, or any of the many joint, soft tissue, and eye cases that our therapies have been used on, you can see for yourself why more vets are relying on Hilltop Bio to help their patients heal.


Follow the Science

Hilltop Bio conducts extensive proteomic analyses, cytokine and exosome characterizations, and translational science to better understand how various components function in order to bring you uniquely engineered products that are optimized for your patients.

This article discusses the science of exosomes and extracellular vesicles that underpins our research and development efforts.

[Researchers] actually found in this study1 that the concentration of exosomes was directly related to healing. And we know there’s a high concentration of exosomes present [in Hilltop Bio therapies]. 
– Dr. Scott McClure, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVS, ACVSMR | watch the webinar

1. Lange-Consiglio A, Tassan S, et.al. Investigating the efficacy of amnion-derived compared with bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in equine tendon and ligament injuries. Cytotherapy, 2013; 0, 1-10.

Click image to view or download full article.

Speak with a member of our Veterinary Advisory Team.


We rigorously test all of our therapies throughout the production process and then in the field. We’ve completed a number of Safety and Efficacy studies and have several more in progress. Here are a few of our results:

SAFETY – Regenaflex-RT

Suspensory LIgament Study
with Regenaflex-RT

SAFETY – Strydaflex

What the Experts Are Saying

It has become a real go-to for me… [Hilltop Bio’s] exosome process and refinement of the content […] is why we’re seeing less inflammation and less reactivity, but yet we’re still seeing a good healing response.
That’s what’s unique about Hilltop Bio products.

Dr. Rick Mitchell, Fairfield Equine

I decided to try the Strydaflex on my older horse… It was sort of an overnight miracle. The horse just felt like a new horse. I’m pretty sold. You should try it because it works. The end.
My horses have never felt better.

Liz Halliday-Sharp, 5* Eventing Rider

Hilltop Bio has been a leader in research and design of regenerative therapy products. Knowing exactly the composition of what is in the syringe – the particular mixture of cytokines, growth factors, and exosomes (and the effect they produce) – is critically important when the horse’s best outcome is at stake.

Dr. Fairfield Bain, DVM, MBA, Dipl. ACVIM, ACVP, ACVECC

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Hilltop Bio is proud to support Not One More Vet (NOMV) by donating $1 for every unit sold.