June Wrap-Up

Are we really half-way through 2023 already?! With so many good things happening for us, the year is flying by! Here’s what we’ve been up to this month…

Meet the Team!

We kicked off the month with our Annual Team Meeting, bringing the whole gang together at our main office and lab location in Massachusetts. We enjoyed two very full and very productive days reflecting on what we’ve accomplished this past year and planning for the latter half of 2023 and beyond. We’re lucky to have such a great team and a great leader!

Pictured above L-R: Jon Drobnis, CEO Amanda Drobnis, Kiira Lizza, Co-founder Mark Williams, Doug Thomas, Brad Spivey, Brian Hochella, and Jo Mueller (missing from photo, Christina Gindt)

In the News

Guess who made the July 2023 issue of The Plaid Horse? None other than our own Amanda Drobnis, CEO and co-founder of Hilltop Bio!

Flip to page 34 to read about Hilltop’s genesis, why scientific integrity is a cornerstone of the company, and how Drobnis encourages work/life balance for her team.

Product Updates

Hilltop Bio recently completed two field studies. The first was a suspensory ligament study using Regenaflex-RT, and the second was a safety study for intra-articular injections using our lyophilized joint therapy, Strydaflex. The results for both studies will be published soon. Stay tuned!


Making Connections

We switched gears a bit for the June episode of our monthly Free Webinar Series, focusing on financial rather than medical concerns. Dr. Ben Buchanan of Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals provided useful insight for practice owners and those hoping to become owners. If you haven’t attended one of our RACE-approved webinars, check out our upcoming topics and be sure to register.

Our team was on the ground at the Devon Horse Show, offering treats to human , equine , and canine attendees.

We’ll be finishing out the month on the 29th by sponsoring a seminar in Virginia Beach in association with Virginia Veterinary Centers, where Dr. Martin Young of Bush Veterinary Neurology Services will discuss disk disease, and Dr. David Dutton, Chief Veterinary Officer at Hilltop Bio, will cover regenerative therapy basics.


Focusing on Exceptional People

We’re excited to announce Meg Kepferle of Kepferle Equestrian LLC, aka Meg Kep, is now a Hilltop Bio Sponsored Rider!

Meg is a 4* eventing rider hailing from Long Valley, NJ. Meg grew up riding in the pony hunters, equitaton, and jumpers, until she learned about eventing in the eighth grade and became hooked!

Meg groomed for Sinead Halpin through several 5*’s, Olympic training camps, and World Championships and the two are still close friends to this day.

Meg has proved that top riders do not need to come from money to end up at the top of the sport, and believes access to quality education for riders of all abilities is paramount to not just reaching the top ranks, but also having a confident, safe, and enjoyable partnership with horses.

Meg’s top horse, Anakin, pictured here at Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event has helped her reach the top level of the sport while she brings along young horses and teaches a variety of junior and amateur clients.

Welcome to the Hilltop Bio team, Meg!


Each month, Hilltop Bio honors a different veterinary technician for their outstanding commitment and service. Our June honoree is Will McManus of John R. Steele & Associates. Originally from England, Will now works as the right hand to Team USA Show Jumping veterinarian, Dr. Heather Sherman.
Thanks for all you do, Will!

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