6 Ways Using Regenaflex Saves Time

Image of a vet truck

What is your time worth?

In equine medicine, time is one of the most valuable resources you have. Few veterinarians have an abundance of it in their schedule, which makes using the right therapies and treatments all the more important. Many factors go into choosing to add a new therapy to your lineup, including convenience, ease of use, cost, and, of course, effectiveness. Regenaflex’s purified regenerative therapies are different from many other options on the market when it comes to convenience and preparation efficiency.

A table comparing Regenaflex-RT's benefits to other popular regenerative therapies: PRP, IRAP, and Stem Cells

Here are six ways that using Regenaflex-RT–specifically formulated for soft tissue injuries–can save you valuable time.

  1. Off the shelf and ready to go. Various forms of regenerative therapies require stallside processing before application, and even 15-20 minutes add up quickly across patients. Regenaflex is ready to use from the time you take it off the shelf, put it on your truck, and make it to your patient. 
  1. No additional equipment is needed. No stallside processing means less equipment to buy, store, carry and learn to use. Storage space is often limited both in-clinic and on the truck so less gear equals more space. 
  1. Room temperature storage. Freezing or refrigeration isn’t needed for Regenaflex! Many therapies are required to be stored in a refrigerated or frozen environment to avoid spoilage. Regenaflex is stored at room temperature, which not only means freezer space isn’t required, but it also means time isn’t spent thawing out a product before use. 
  1. One dose application. Additional rounds of treatment are not only time spent for you, but more expenses for the owner. Fortunately, Regenaflex-RT requires only one application which saves you time, the owner money, and the horse is on its way to healing.
  1. No specialized training. Processing equipment and procedures–like those used for PRP and IRAP–always take time to get familiar with. While this typically isn’t a recurring investment of time, Regenaflex requires no additional processing which removes an entire step out of the process.
  1. Less invasive. While stem cell therapy has some similarities to exosome-based products, processing can be much more invasive and usually requires, at minimum, several days to send off the sample to the lab and return a product ready for use. With Regenaflex, you get the power of these components ready to use right off the shelf because we’ve already done the processing for you! 

Equine veterinarians’ schedules are stretched thinner than ever, and every available minute is a commodity. While there is a range of therapies on the market for soft tissue injuries, they don’t offer the convenience and efficiency that Regenaflex does. 

Ready to add some time back to your day with Regenaflex? Our team would be happy to discuss how to make it work for your practice. Click here.

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