Serving 330+ Practices 5000+ Animals Treated 96% Reorder Rate
Joint Health • Soft Tissue Repair • Wound Care • Ophthalmology
Seeing Is Believing
Whether it’s a wound case like the one pictured here, or any of the many joint, soft tissue, and eye cases that our therapies have been used on, you can see for yourself why more vets are relying on Hilltop Bio to help their patients heal.
Follow the Science
Hilltop Bio conducts extensive proteomic analyses, cytokine and exosome characterizations, and translational science to better understand how various components function in order to bring you uniquely engineered products that are optimized for your patients.
This article discusses the science of exosomes and extracellular vesicles that underpins our research and development efforts.
[Researchers] actually found in this study1 that the concentration of exosomes was directly related to healing. And we know there’s a high concentration of exosomes present [in Hilltop Bio therapies].
– Dr. Scott McClure, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVS, ACVSMR | watch the webinar
1. Lange-Consiglio A, Tassan S, Investigating the efficacy of amnion-derived compared with bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in equine tendon and ligament injuries. Cytotherapy, 2013; 0, 1-10.
Speak with a member of our Veterinary Advisory Team.
We rigorously test all of our therapies throughout the production process and then in the field. We’ve completed a number of Safety and Efficacy studies and have several more in progress.
Here are the results of our recent study on Managing Canine Lameness.
What the Experts Are Saying
"NSAIDs and pain management alone can’t be our long-term solution. There is something out there that can potentially heal these patients. It should absolutely be the first choice.
I think it should be in the hands of every general practitioner.
– Dr. Lucretia Greear, Woodhaven Animal Hospital
"There are more specific growth factors for reparative process and anti-inflammatory effects. …they minimize some of the pro-inflammatory effects that we might see…
That’s what makes this form of therapy so exciting. They’re taking regenerative therapy […] to the absolute next level.
– Dr. Michael Jaffe, Mississippi State University