Inferior Check Ligament Desmitis
Dr. Tim Ober | John R. Steele & Associates

9 years old KWPN Mare, jumper, last shown in 1.15m
Pulled shoe LF in the paddock on 7/10/2021. Both clips in her foot and walking lame. Client packed the foot and treated with Bute. While improved, she remained lame at the trot. The LF and LH swelled within two days, appearing like cellulitis. The swelling had been steadily improving.
First Exam: 7/17/2021
- Walking sound but 2/5 LF at the trot. No elevated pulse.
- LF and LH limbs swollen with what appeared to be cellulitis but had steadily improved.
Second Exam: 7/19/2021
- Mild swelling of the LF mid tendon area persists.
- No heat or pain on palpation.
- LF lame 1/5 in a straight line and on a circle.
- Under tack 3+/5 on the circle to the right, slightly better to the left but significantly more lame under tack than in hand.
- Diagnostic block LF high PDN positive, significantly better to the right but still some lameness to the left.
Ultrasound Exam: LF Inferior Check Ligament Desmitis
LF carpal sheath was injected with Hyaluronate and Triamcinalone. After treating the carpal sheath the leg looked better for a week then started swelling again.
Recheck ultrasound showed LF ICL desmitis to be more significant than at first exam, with heat and soreness on palpation. Treatment options were discussed.
Treatment: Ultrasound guided injection LF ICL with Regenaflex.
Bandage was removed, the LF leg was about 50% smaller than before the injection of the ICL. No heat or pain on palpation.Follow up ultrasound on 9/16/21 showed significant improvement.
Left: taken 8/10/2021 before treatment.Right: taken 9/16/2021 after treatment.

Left: taken 8/10/2021 before treatment.Right: taken 9/16/2021 after treatment.

Left Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Lesion
Dr. Heather Sherman | John R. Steele & Associates

19 year old pony treated only with Regenaflex-RT.
Client Constraints: able to do only one treatment with no adjunctive treatments.
All therapies were considered: PRP, stem cells, shockwave, laser, etc. With primary considerations being effectiveness and risk of causing more damage, Regenaflex was decided on as the best choice.
Treatment: Early Feb 2022 – 1 dose of Regenaflex; no other treatments.
Post Treatment: Hand-walked for 30 days and then turned out in a small paddock.
See video for full details.
Results: Rechecked at the beginning of August 2022 and was shocked by new scan. The leg had no profile to it, the lesion had filled in really nicely, the fiber pattern was pretty uniform with the rest of the tendon.
“This was kind of a slam dunk case… We were pessimistic about the long-term prognosis given the pony’s age. This case study really sold me on the product because it was such a positive result in a case that probably shouldn’t have had such good results.“
Severe Degloving after Dog Attack
Dr. Tony Rodriguez | Foxfield Veterinary Services

Severe degloving after dog attack. Treated with Regenaflex-M membrane.

Canine Acute Traumatic Lesion with Dehiscence
Dr. Tony Rodriguez | Foxfield Veterinary Services

Dr Tony Rodriguez of Foxfield Veterinary Services, Downington, PA.
Chumlee: 11-year-old, Male neutered, Shar Pei canine
History & Treatment
Chumlee presented on 1/25/22 after experiencing an acute traumatic lesion to a large sternal mass. The mass was removed, and the site closed under extensive tension. Chumlee returned 1/31/22 for evaluation due to incisional dehiscence. The skin was necrotic and infected thus extensive debridement was required resulting in a large open wound. The resulting wound was approximately 4.5inches (110cm)2. Regenaflex-M was applied on 2/5/22 and a bandage applied.
Post-Treatment Evaluations
2/14/22: Resulted in wound contracture and healing. The site was debrided, scrubbed and silver sulfadiazine applied along with a soft bandage. The wound was approximately 70cm2.
2/21/22: The above procedure was repeated. Approximate wound size was 50cm2.
3/1/22: The above procedure was repeated. Approximate wound size was 30cm2.
3/7/22: The above procedure was repeated. Approximate wound size was 15cm2. At this point the would was small enough to be left unbandaged and the owner was instructed to manage the remaining care at home.
The application of Regenaflex-M appears to have greatly improved the healing time of a large wound and aided in second intention healing. Approximately 20cm of wound contracture/healing was noted weekly.

Suture Dehiscence: “Eva” 6yo F/S Poodle – 12lb
White Rock Animal Hospital, Dallas, TX

On 11/16/21 Eva was attacked by a larger dog while on a walk.
11/16/21 – temp – 100.5
- Wounds on left lateral aspect flank/dorsal rump. Referred to ER clinic for radiographs and wound care for moderate locally extensive soft tissue swelling & emphysema to left lateral flank. No evidence of penetration of abdominal cavity. Wounds are deep and a large pocket ventrally 2-3” from puncture wounds. Large pocket on dorsal flank 4-5”.
11/17/21 – temp – 103.7
- Large amount of serous/bloody discharge. Changed bandage. Started on orbax and gabapentin
11/18/21 – temp – 101.1
- Bandage change. Removed penrose drains and flushed with sterile saline.
- Dehiscence from sutures. Brown, thick mucopurulent discharge from drain openings. Neutropenia, azotemia. IV catheter placed, started on baytril IV. Surgical explore – debrided wound, trimmed necrotic tissue. Packed wound with sterile saline gauze and placed a tie-over bandage over wound.
11/23/21 – temp 101.7
- Unasyn IV, baytril IV. Flushed wound and repacked with sterile saline gauze and placed a tie-over bandage over wound
11/24/21 – temp 100.6
- Unasyn IV, baytril IV. Sedate and removed saline gauze pads. Flushed with sterile saline. Applied amniotic membrane graft [Regenaflex-M]. Debrided wound edges and closed w/ 2-0 PDS. Started on clamox.
Further visits showed continued improvement with full resolution by the end of December.
Nov 22, 2021 and Nov 24, 2021

Dec 13, 2021 and Mar 30, 2022

Goldendoodle with Hot Spots on the Neck

“Gryff” => Aug 24

Sep 5 and Sep 7