Deep Hindlimb Avulsion with Exposed Cannon
Dr. Emily Hood | Hood Equine

Treated with Regenaflex-M membrane by Dr. Emily Hood of Hood Equine.

Treated with Regenaflex-M membrane by Dr. Emily Hood of Hood Equine.

Extensive Forelimb Pastern Wound
Dr. Laurie Goodrich | Colorado State University

Dr. Laurie Goodrich of Colorado State University treated a severe wound of the forelimb pastern and below with Regenaflex-M membrane.
July 6 and July 9

Dr. Laurie Goodrich of Colorado State University treated a severe wound of the forelimb pastern and below with Regenaflex-M membrane.
July 17 and July 26

Dr. Laurie Goodrich of Colorado State University treated a severe wound of the forelimb pastern and below with Regenaflex-M membrane.

Dr. Laurie Goodrich of Colorado State University treated a severe wound of the forelimb pastern and below with Regenaflex-M membrane.

Severe Hoof Wound
Dr. Kevin Voller | Anoka Equine

Dr. Kevin Voller of Anoka Equine treated a draining coronary band with debridement. On Feb 24, 2022, several weeks post initial injury, a Regenaflex-Mmembrane was placed on the wound. On Day 14 post membrane placement, a Regional Limb Perfusion was performed usingRegenaflex-RT. The hoof continued to improve and fill in.

Dr. Kevin Voller of Anoka Equine treated a draining coronary band with debridement. On Feb 24, 2022, several weeks post initial injury, a Regenaflex-M membrane was placed on the wound. On Day 14 post membrane placement, a Regional Limb Perfusion was performed using Regenaflex-RT. The hoof continued to improve and fill in.

Non-Healing Wound
Dr. Marty Tanner | Tanner Equine

Dr Marty Tanner of Tanner Equine treated a wound that had previously not healed after several weeks of bandage changes and standard-of-care treatment. The wound was later treated with Regenaflex-M membrane and saw results in 3 weeks.

Chronic Summer Sore in an Immunocompromised Horse

Treated with Regenaflex-Gel.

Shiloh, 125 lb Lame Male Shepherd
Dr. Peggy Minnich | Aquia-Garrisonville Animal Hospital

Shiloh is a 6 year old neutered male shepherd weighing 125 pounds. He was lame in the left front leg for about a year before coming to me. Owner had placed him on joint supplements only. Pain was localized to the shoulder joint at the insertion point of the biceps tendon. Given his giant breed status, ruling out osteosarcoma was very important, so radiographs were taken, and no bony abnormalities were noted.
We do not have access to ultrasound, so proceeded with Shock Wave therapy on the shoulder joint. Shiloh was about 70% improved but because of severe anxiety with car rides, the owner did not want to bring him back up to the clinic, so I went to her farm and gave the 1 ml dosage of the [Regenaflex-K9] for dogs. 2 weeks after this injection, he is 100% sound.
See Before-and-After video below.
River, Miniature Dachshund with Complete Hind Limb Immobility
Dr. Lisa Bright at Happy Tails Pet Clinic

“River” was presented to us for a second opinion for IVDD after the first clinic advised the owner that euthanasia was his only option if they could not afford to take him to emergency surgery immediately. The owner could not afford the $10-$12k estimate they were given for said surgery and were devastated to think they were going to have to end the life of their best friend just as he had begun to live.
He was completely immobile on his hind end and had no deep pain reflex. We advised the owners that the outcome would likely be some kind of paralysis. Even if we regained some mobility River would likely never be the same dog. The owner opted to try Regeneflex-K9 (injection was given along the spine where paralysis started) and we started twice weekly laser therapy sessions, Prednisone, and topical DMSO twice daily. The video above shows not only has River’s mobility improved but he has regained almost full function of both of his hind legs!
See Before-and-After video below.
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