Is Your Pup in Pain?

If only dogs could talk! No one likes to see their furry friend in pain. We humans understand a yelp or a limp, but sometimes, dogs communicate their pain indirectly. Here are 6 signs that your dog could be in pain:

Changes in Eating & Drinking: Just like with humans, tooth or tummy pain can make dogs lose their appetite.

Isolation & Aggression: If your once-friendly pup has started hiding or being aggressive, pain could be to blame.

Lack of Energy: Untreated pain is exhausting. A quick walk may now feel like running a marathon to your dog.

Continuous Panting: Excessive panting, especially in cooler temperatures, might be due to pain.

Excessive Licking: This behavior can be an attempt to ease external pain or self-soothe and distract from internal pain.

Forgetfulness: Even dogs who’ve been housebroken for years may experience indoor accidents if their pain is intense enough.
Regenerative therapies have been a game changer in helping people who suffer from pain, both acute and chronic. Now, dogs too can benefit from this steroid-free natural method of healing. Regenerative therapies could help your dog return to its active and cuddly self! Learn more about how our regenerative therapies work and how they may be able to help your dog.